
Nuts, blood lipids and cardiovascular disease

Sabaté, J., M. Wien, 2010. Nuts, blood lipids and cardiovascular disease. Asia Pac J Clin Nutr. 19(1):131-136.

The aim of this paper is to evaluate nut-related epidemiological and human feeding study findings and to discuss the important nutritional attributes of nuts and their link to cardiovascular health. Frequent nut consumption has been found to be protective against coronary heart disease in five large epidemiological studies across two continents. A qualitative summary of the data from four of these studies found an 8.3% reduction in risk of death from coronary heart disease for each weekly serving of nuts. Over 40 dietary intervention studies have been conducted evaluating the effect of nut containing diets on blood lipids. These studies have demonstrated that intake of different kinds of nuts lower total and LDL cholesterol and the LDL: HDL ratio in healthy subjects or patients with moderate hypercholesterolaemia, even in the context of healthy diets. Nuts have a unique fatty acid profile and feature a high unsaturated to saturated fatty acid ratio, an important contributing factor to the beneficial health effects of nut consumption. Additional cardioprotective nutrients found in nuts include vegetable protein, fiber, α-tocopherol, folic acid, magnesium, copper, phytosterols and other phytochemicals.

A 3 years follow-up of a Mediterranean diet rich in virgin olive oil is associated with high plasma antioxidant capacity and reduced body weight gain.

Razquin, C., J.A. Martinez, M.A. Martinez-Gonzalez, M.T. Mitjavila, R. Estruch, A. Marti, 2009. A 3 years follow-up of a Mediterranean diet rich in virgin olive oil is associated with high plasma antioxidant capacity and reduced body weight gain. Eur J Clin Nutr.  63(12):1387-93.

The aim of this study was to analyze the influence of a Mediterranean dietary pattern on plasma total antioxidant capacity (TAC) after 3 years of intervention and the associations with adiposity indexes in a randomized dietary trial (PREDIMED trial) with high cardiovascular risk patients. 187 subjects were randomly selected from the PREDIMED-UNAV center after they completed 3-year intervention program. Participants were following a Mediterranean-style diet with high intake of virgin olive oil or high intake of nuts, or a conventional low-fat diet. Adiposity indexes were measured at baseline and at year 3. Plasma TAC was evaluated using a commercially available colorimetric assay kit. Plasma TAC in the control, olive oil and nuts groups was 2.01+/-0.15, 3.51+/-0.14 and 3.02+/-0.14 mM Trolox, respectively after adjusting for age and sex. The differences between the Mediterranean diet and control groups were statistically significant (P<0.001). Moreover higher levels of TAC were significantly associated with a reduction in body weight after 3 years of intervention among subjects allocated to the virgin olive oil group (B=-1.306; 95% CI=-2.439 to -0.173; P=0.025, after adjusting for age, sex and baseline body mass index). Mediterranean diet, especially rich in virgin olive oil, is associated with higher levels of plasma antioxidant capacity. Plasma TAC is related to a reduction in body weight after 3 years of intervention in a high cardiovascular risk population with a Mediterranean-style diet rich in virgin olive oil.

Modulation of cognition and behavior in aged animals: role for antioxidant- and essential fatty acid–rich plant foods.

Willis, L.M., B. Shukitt-Hale, J.A. Joseph, 2009. Modulation of cognition and behavior in aged animals: role for antioxidant- and essential fatty acid–rich plant foods. Am J Clin Nutr. 89 (suppl):1602S–6S.

Aging results in the development of cognitive and motor deficits in humans and animals that are evident by midlife. These deficits are thought to stem from neuronal damage and dysfunction as a result of a variety of stressors, including increased oxidative stress and modifications in brain lipid composition. Recent clinical and animal studies have identified nutritional intervention as a viable method to curtail the cognitive aging process. Human studies have been primarily observational and have indicated that inclusion of antioxidant-rich foods in the diet can slow the progression of cognitive decline. Basic science studies investigating nutritional modulation of age-related cognitive decline have focused on foods rich in antioxidants or essential fatty acids. The purpose of this review is to discuss recent advancements in animal research showing that age-related cognitive and behavioral decline can be ameliorated with nutritional supplementation with polyphenol- or polyunsaturated fatty acid–rich plant foods.

Dose-dependent effects of walnuts on motor and cognitive function in aged rats.

Willis, L.M., B. Shukitt-Hale, V. Cheng, J.A. Joseph, 2009. Dose-dependent effects of walnuts on motor and cognitive function in aged rats. British Journal of Nutrition. 101:1140–1144.

Aged rats show decrements in performance on motor and cognitive tasks that require the use of spatial learning and memory. Previously we have shown that these deficits can be reversed by the polyphenolics in fruits and vegetables. Walnuts, which contain the n-3 fatty acids a-linolenic acid and linoleic acid, are a dietary source of polyphenols, antioxidants and lipids. Thus, the present study examined the effects of walnut supplementation on motor and cognitive ability in aged rats. Fischer 344 rats, aged 19 months, were fed a control, or a 2, 6 or 9% walnut diet for 8 weeks before motor and cognitive testing. Results for the motor testing showed that the 2% walnut diet improved performance on rod walking, while the 6% walnut diet improved performance on the medium plank walk; the higher dose of the 9% walnut diet did not improve psychomotor performance and on the large plank actually impaired performance. All of the walnut diets improved working memory in the Morris water maze, although the 9% diet showed impaired reference memory. These findings show for the first time that moderate dietary walnut supplementation can improve cognitive and motor performance in aged rat

Dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids improve cholinergic transmission in the aged brain.

Willis, L.M., B. Shukitt-Hale, J.A. Joseph, 2009. Dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids improve cholinergic transmission in the aged brain. Genes Nutr. 4:309–314.

The cholinergic theory of aging states that dysfunction of cholinergic neurons arising from the basal forebrain and terminating in the cortex and hippocampus may be involved in the cognitive decline that occurs during aging and Alzheimer’s disease. Despite years of research, pharmacological interventions to treat or forestall the development of Alzheimer’s disease have primarily focused on enhancing cholinergic transmission, either through increasing acetylcholine (ACh) synthesis or inhibition of the acetylcholinesterase enzyme responsible for ACh hydrolysis. However, recent studies have indicated that dietary supplementation can impact the cholinergic system, particularly during aging. The purpose of the present review is to examine the relevant research suggesting that cholinergic functioning may be maintained during aging via consuming a diet containing polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). The data reviewed herein indicate that, at least in animal studies, inclusion of PUFAs in the diet can improve cholinergic transmission in the brain, possibly leading to improvements in cognitive functioning.


Grape juice, berries, and walnuts affect brain aging and behavior.

Joseph, J.A., B. Shukitt-Hale, L.M. Willis, 2009. Grape juice, berries, and walnuts affect brain aging and behavior. J. Nutr. 139: 1813S–1817S.

Numerous studies have indicated that individuals consuming a diet containing high amounts of fruits and vegetables exhibit fewer age-related diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease. Research from our laboratory has suggested that dietary supplementation with fruit or vegetable extracts high in antioxidants (e.g. blueberries, strawberries, walnuts, and Concord grape juice) can decrease the enhanced vulnerability to oxidative stress that occurs in aging and these reductions are expressed as improvements in behavior. Additional mechanisms involved in the beneficial effects of fruits and vegetables include enhancement of neuronal communication via increases in neuronal signaling and decreases in stress signals induced by oxidative/inflammatory stressors (e.g. nuclear factor kB). Moreover, collaborative findings indicate that blueberry or Concord grape juice supplementation in humans with mild cognitive impairment increased verbal memory performance, thus translating our animal findings to humans. Taken together, these results suggest that a greater intake of high-antioxidant foods such as berries, Concord grapes, and walnuts may increase “health span” and enhance cognitive and motor function in aging.

Effects of one serving of mixed nuts on serum lipids, insulin resistance and inflammatory markers in patients with the metabolic syndrome

Casas-Agustench, P., P. Lopez-Uriarte, M. Bullo’, E. Ros, J.J. Cabre’-Vila, J. Salas-Salvado’, 2009. Effects of one serving of mixed nuts on serum lipids, insulin resistance and inflammatory markers in patients with the metabolic syndrome. Nutrition, Metabolism & Cardiovascular Diseases. doi:10.1016/j.numecd.2009.08.005.

Background and aims: Knowledge of the effect of nut consumption on metabolic syndrome (MetS) components is limited. We assessed the effects of nut intake on adiposity, serum lipids, insulin resistance, and inflammatory biomarkers in patients with MetS. Methods and results: In a randomized, parallel-group, 12-week feeding trial, 50 patients with MetS were given recommendations for a healthy diet with or without supplementation with 30 g/day of raw nuts (15 g walnuts, 7.5 g almonds and 7.5 g hazelnuts) (Nut and Control diet groups, respectively). Adiposity measures, serum lipids, insulin, Homeostasis Model Assessment (HOMA), interleukin-6 (IL-6) and other inflammatory biomarkers, and 48-h fecal fat were determined basally and at study’s completion. Moderate weight loss, decreased adiposity, and lower blood pressure occurred similarly after both diets. The Control, but not the Nut diet, was associated with significant (P < 0.05) reduction of LDL-cholesterol, with mean changes of -0.36 versus -0.13 mmol/L, respectively (between-group differences, P=0.154). The Nut diet reduced fasting insulin by 2.60 µU/mL (95% CI, -4.62 to -0.59) and HOMA-insulin resistance by 0.72 (-1.28 to -0.16) (P < 0.05 versus Control diet; both). Among inflammatory markers, the Nut diet resulted in changes of median plasma IL-6 of -1.1 ng/L (-2.7 to -0.1; P=0.035 versus Control diet), but adjustment for weight loss attenuated the significance of the association. Stool fat decreased with the Control diet and slightly increased with the Nut diet (P < 0.05 for between-group differences). Conclusion: Patients with MetS show decreased lipid responsiveness but improved insulin sensitivity after daily intake of 30 g of mixed nuts.

Prospective study of nut consumption, long-term weight change, and obesity risk in women

Bes-Rastrollo, M., N.M. Wedick, M.A. Martinez-Gonzalez, T.Y. Li, L. Sampson, F.B. Hu, 2009. Prospective study of nut consumption, long-term weight change, and obesity risk in women. Am J Clin Nutr 89:1-7.

Background: Data concerning the long-term association between nut consumption and weight change in a free-living population are sparse. Objective: The objective was to determine the relation between nut consumption and long-term weight change. Design: The participants were 51,188 women in the Nurses’ Health Study II aged 20-45 y, who had no cardiovascular disease, diabetes, or cancer. We prospectively evaluated the dietary intake of nuts and subsequent weight changes from 1991 to 1999. Results: Women who reported eating nuts _2 times/wk had a slightly less mean (6 SE) weight gain (5.04 6 0.12 kg) than did women who rarely ate nuts (5.55 6 0.04 kg) (P for trend , 0.001). For the same comparison, when total nut consumption was subdivided into peanuts and tree nuts, the results were similar (i.e., less weight gain in women eating either peanuts or tree nuts _2 times/wk). The results were similar in normal-weight, overweight, and obese participants. In multivariate analyses in which lifestyle and other dietary factors were controlled for, we found that greater nut consumption (_2 times/wk compared with never/almost never) was associated with a slightly lower risk of obesity (hazard ratio: 0.77; 95% CI: 0.57, 1.02; P for trend ¼ 0.003). Conclusions: Higher nut consumption was not associated with greater body weight gain during 8 y of follow-up in healthy middle aged women. Instead, it was associated with a slightly lower risk of weight gain and obesity. The results of this study suggest that incorporating nuts into diets does not lead to greater weight gain and may help weight control.

Natural antioxidants in tree nuts

Alasalvar, C., F. Shahidi, 2009. Natural antioxidants in tree nuts. Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol. 111:1056-1062

The levels of natural antioxidants and phytochemicals present in tree nuts are reported. Where possible, the health claims by Food and Drug Administration and European Food Safety Authority and health effects of tree nuts are provided. The content and recommended dietary allowances of nutrient antioxidants (such as vitamins A, C, E, and the mineral selenium) present in various tree nuts are compared. Antioxidant activity and phytochemicals present among tree nuts have been thoroughly reviewed. Research findings from over 65 references, many of which have been published within the last 10 years, have been compiled and reported.

The health benefits of nuts

Raw, D., B. Lockwood, 2009. The health benefits of nuts. NUTRAfoods. 8(3)7-14.

Overall, nuts can belp reduce the certain risk factors associated with CVD and other chronic diseases, helping to prevent disease and promote health.