
Energy extraction from nuts: walnuts, almonds, pistachios.

McArthur, B., R. Mattes, 2020. Energy extraction from nuts: walnuts, almonds, pistachios. Br J Nutr. 123(4):361-371.

The bioaccessibility of fat has implications for satiety and postprandial lipidemia. The prevailing view holds that the integrity of plant cell wall structure is the primary determinant of energy and nutrient extraction from plant cells as they pass through the gastrointestinal tract. However, comparisons across nuts (walnuts, almonds, pistachios) with varying physical properties do not support this view. In this study, masticated samples of three nuts from healthy adults were exposed to a static model of gastric digestion followed by simulated intestinal digestion. Primary outcomes were particle size and lipid release at each phase of digestion. Walnuts produced a significantly larger particle size post-mastication compared to almonds. Under gastric and intestinal conditions, the particle size was larger for walnuts compared to pistachios and almonds (P<0.05). However, the masticated and digesta particle sizes were not related to the integrity of cell walls nor lipid release. The total lipid release was comparable between nuts after the in vitro intestinal phase (P>0.05). Microstructural examination showed ruptured and fissured cell walls that would allow digestion of cellular contents and this may be governed by internal cellular properties such as oil body state. Furthermore, the cell walls of walnuts tend to rupture rather than separate and as walnut tissue passes through the gastrointestinal track, lipids tend to coalesce reducing digestion efficiency.

Circulating omega-3 fatty acids and incident adverse events in patients with acute myocardial infarction.

Lázaro, I., F. Rueda, G. Cediel, E. Ortega, C. García-García, A. Sala-Vila, A. Bayés-Genís, 2020. Circulating omega-3 fatty acids and incident adverse events in patients with acute myocardial infarction. J Am Coll Cardiol. 76(18):2089-2097.

Background: Dietary omega-3 eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) has multiple cardioprotective properties. The proportion of EPA in serum phosphatidylcholine (PC) mirrors dietary EPA intake during previous weeks. Circulating EPA in ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) relates to smaller infarct size and preserved long-term ventricular function. Objectives: The authors investigated whether serum-PC EPA (proxy for marine omega-3 consumption) levels at the time of STEMI were associated with a lower incidence of major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE), all-cause mortality, and readmission for cardiovascular (CV) causes at 3 years’ follow-up. We also explored the association of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA, proxy for vegetable omega-3 intake) with all-cause mortality and MACE. Methods The authors prospectively included 944 consecutive patients with STEMI (mean age 61 years, 209 women) undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention. We determined serum-PC fatty acids with gas chromatography. Results During follow-up, 211 patients had MACE, 108 died, and 130 were readmitted for CV causes. A Cox proportional hazards model adjusted for known clinical predictors showed that serum-PC EPA at the time of STEMI was inversely associated with both incident MACE and CV readmission (hazard ratio [HR]: 0.76; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.62 to 0.94, and HR: 0.74; 95% CI: 0.58 to 0.95, respectively, for a 1-standard deviation [SD] increase). Serum-PC ALA was inversely related to all-cause mortality (HR: 0.65; 95% CI: 0.44 to 0.96, for a 1-SD increase). Conclusions: Elevated serum-PC EPA and ALA levels at the time of STEMI were associated with a lower risk of clinical adverse events. Consumption of foods rich in these fatty acids might improve the prognosis of STEMI.

Walnut consumption, plasma metabolomics, and risk of Type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Guasch-Ferré, M., P. Hernández-Alonso, J.P. Drouin-Chartier, M. Ruiz-Canela, C. Razquin, E. Toledo, J. Li, C. Dennis, C. Wittenbecher, D. Corella, R. Estruch, M. Fitó, E. Ros, N. Babio, S.N. Bhupathiraju, C.B. Clish, L. Liang, M.A. Martínez-González, F.B. Hu, J. Salas-Salvadó, 2020. Walnut consumption, plasma metabolomics, and risk of Type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. J Nutr. doi: 10.1093/jn/nxaa374.

Background: Walnut consumption is associated with lower risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D) and cardiovascular disease (CVD). However, it is unknown whether plasma metabolites related to walnut consumption are also associated with lower risk of cardiometabolic diseases. Objectives: The study aimed to identify plasma metabolites associated with walnut consumption and evaluate the prospective associations between the identified profile and risk of T2D and CVD. Methods: The discovery population included 1833 participants at high cardiovascular risk from the PREvención con DIeta MEDiterránea (PREDIMED) study with available metabolomics data at baseline. The study population included 57% women (baseline mean BMI (in kg/m2): 29.9; mean age: 67 y). A total of 1522 participants also had available metabolomics data at year 1 and were used as the internal validation population. Plasma metabolomics analyses were performed using LC-MS. Cross-sectional associations between 385 known metabolites and walnut consumption were assessed using elastic net continuous regression analysis. A 10-cross-validation (CV) procedure was used, and Pearson correlation coefficients were assessed between metabolite weighted models and self-reported walnut consumption in each pair of training–validation data sets within the discovery population. We further estimated the prospective associations between the identified metabolite profile and incident T2D and CVD using multivariable Cox regression models. Results: A total of 19 metabolites were significantly associated with walnut consumption, including lipids, purines, acylcarnitines, and amino acids. Ten-CV Pearson correlation coefficients between self-reported walnut consumption and the plasma metabolite profile were 0.16 (95% CI: 0.11, 0.20) in the discovery population and 0.15 (95% CI: 0.10, 0.20) in the validation population. The metabolite profile was inversely associated with T2D incidence (HR per 1 SD: 0.83; 95% CI: 0.71, 0.97; P = 0.02). For CVD incidence, the HR per 1-SD was 0.71 (95% CI: 0.60, 0.85; P < 0.001). Conclusions: A metabolite profile including 19 metabolites was associated with walnut consumption and with a lower risk of incident T2D and CVD in a Mediterranean population at high cardiovascular risk.

A walnut diet in combination with enriched environment improves cognitive function and affects lipid metabolites in brain and liver of aged NMRI mice.

Esselun, C., B. Dilberger, C.V. Silaidos, E. Koch, N.H. Schebb, G.P. Eckert, 2020. A walnut diet in combination with enriched environment improves cognitive function and affects lipid metabolites in brain and liver of aged NMRI mice. Neuromolecular Med. doi:10.1007/s12017-020-08639-7.

This in vivo study aimed to test if a diet enriched with 6% walnuts alone or in combination with physical activity supports healthy ageing by changing the oxylipin profile in brain and liver, improving motor function, cognition, and cerebral mitochondrial function. Female NMRI mice were fed a 6% walnut diet starting at an age of 12 months for 24 weeks. One group was additionally maintained in an enriched environment, one group without intervention served as control. After three months, one additional control group of young mice (3 weeks old) was introduced. Motor and cognitive functions were measured using Open Field, Y-Maze, Rotarod and Passive Avoidance tests. Lipid metabolite profiles were determined using RP-LC-ESI(-)-MS/MS in brain and liver tissues of mice. Cerebral mitochondrial function was characterized by the determination of ATP levels, mitochondrial membrane potential and mitochondrial respiration. Expression of genes involved with mito- and neurogenesis, inflammation, and synaptic plasticity were determined using qRT-PCR. A 6% walnut-enriched diet alone improved spatial memory in a Y-Maze alternation test (p < 0.05) in mice. Additional physical enrichment enhanced the significance, although the overall benefit was virtually identical. Instead, physical enrichment improved motor performance in a Rotarod experiment (p* < 0.05) which was unaffected by walnuts alone. Bioactive oxylipins like hydroxy-polyunsaturated fatty acids (OH-PUFA) derived from linoleic acid (LA) were significantly increased in brain (p** < 0.01) and liver (p*** < 0.0001) compared to control mice, while OH-PUFA of α-linolenic acid (ALA) could only be detected in the brains of mice fed with walnuts. In the brain, walnuts combined with physical activity reduced arachidonic acid (ARA)-based oxylipin levels (p < 0.05). Effects of walnut lipids were not linked to mitochondrial function, as ATP production, mitochondrial membrane potential and mitochondrial respiration were unaffected. Furthermore, common markers for synaptic plasticity and neuronal growth, key genes in the regulation of cytoprotective response to oxidative stress and neuronal growth were unaffected. Taken together, walnuts change the oxylipin profile in liver and brain, which could have beneficial effects for healthy ageing, an effect that can be further enhanced with an active lifestyle. Further studies may focus on specific nutrient lipids that potentially provide preventive effects in the brain.

Investigating walnut consumption and cognitive trajectories in a representative sample of older US adults.

Bishop, N., K. Zuniga, 2020. Investigating walnut consumption and cognitive trajectories in a representative sample of older US adults. Public Health Nutrition, 1-12. doi:10.1017/S1368980020001287

Objective: Existing research suggests walnut intake may be associated with better cognitive function in older adults, yet few studies utilise longitudinal data from observational studies of ageing populations. Our objective was to estimate the association between whole walnut intake and cognitive change in a representative sample of older Americans. Design: Secondary analysis of the Health and Retirement Study and Health Care and Nutrition Study. Walnut consumption was defined as a categorical measure (none, low intake (0·01–0·08 1 oz. servings per day) and moderate intake (>0·08 1 oz. servings per day)) and cognitive function was measured using the Telephone Interview for Cognitive Status. Latent growth modelling estimated the association between walnut consumption and trajectories of cognitive status over a 4-year observational period. Sensitivity analyses assessing non-random dropout and Monte Carlo power analyses were conducted to contextualise results. Setting: The USA. Participants: A sample of 3632 US adults aged 65 years and older. Results: Those reporting any walnut consumption had greater cognitive scores at baseline than those not consuming walnuts (low walnut consumption, b = 1·53, se = 0·21, P < 0·001; moderate walnut consumption, b = 2·22, se = 0·27, P < 0·001), but walnut consumption was not associated with cognitive change. Walnut consumption was positively associated with socioeconomic status and health behaviours as well as intake of nutrients identified to have neuroprotective benefits. Conclusions: We identified an association between walnut consumption and cognitive function in older adults, although we did not find that walnut consumption was protective against age-related cognitive decline.

Dietary walnut as food factor to rescue from NSAID-induced gastrointestinal mucosal damages.

An, J.M., E.H., Kim, H. Le, H.J. Lee, K.B. Hahm, 2020. Dietary walnut as food factor to rescue from NSAID-induced gastrointestinal mucosal damages. Arch Biochem Biophys. 689:108466. doi:10.1016/

Nuclear factor erythroid-derived 2-like 2 (Nrf-2) is transcription factor implicated in the antioxidant response element-mediated induction of endogenous antioxidant enzyme such as heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1), glutamatecysteine ligase, and NAD(P)H quinone dehydrogenase 1, among which HO-1 is an enzyme catalyzing the degradation of heme.producing biliverdin, ferrous iron, and carbon monoxide. In the stomach, as much as regulating gastric acid secretions, well-coordinated establishment of defense system stands for maintaining gastric integrity. In previous study, author et al. for the first time discovered HO-1 induction was critical in affording faithful gastric defense against various irritants including Helicobacter pylori infection, stress, alcohol, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), aspirin, and toxic bile acids. In this review article, we can add the novel evidence that dietary walnut intake can be reliable way to rescue from NSAIDs-induced gastrointestinal damages via the induction of HO-1 transcribed with Nrf-2 through specific inactivation of Keap-1. From molecular exploration to translational animal model of indomethacin-induced gastrointestinal damages, significant induction of HO-1 contributed to rescuing from damages. In addition to HO-1 induction action relevant to walnut, we added the description the general actions of walnut extracts or dietary intake of walnut regarding cytoprotection and why we have focused on to NSAID damages.

Association of nut intake with risk factors, cardiovascular disease, and mortality in 16 countries from 5 continents: analysis from the Prospective Urban and Rural Epidemiology (PURE) study.

de Souza, R.J., M. Dehghan, A. Mente, S.I. Bangdiwala, S.H. Ahmed, K.F. Alhabib, Y. Altuntas, A. Basiak-Rasała, G-R Dagenais, R. Diaz, L.I. Amma, R. Kelishadi, R. Khatib, S.A. Lear, P. Lopez-Jaramillo, V. Mohan, P. Poirier, S. Rangarajan, A. Rosengren, R. Ismail, S. Swaminathan, E. Wentzel-Viljoen, K. Yeates, R. Yusuf, K.K. Teo, S.S. Anand, S. Yusuf, for the PURE study investigators, 2020. Association of nut intake with risk factors, cardiovascular disease, and mortality in 16 countries from 5 continents: analysis from the Prospective Urban and Rural Epidemiology (PURE) study. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, nqaa108,

Background: The association of nuts with cardiovascular disease and deaths has been investigated mostly in Europe, the USA, and East Asia, with few data available from other regions of the world or from low- and middle-income countries. Objective: To assess the association of nuts with mortality and cardiovascular disease (CVD). Methods: The Prospective Urban Rural Epidemiology study is a large multinational prospective cohort study of adults aged 35–70 y from 16 low-, middle-, and high-income countries on 5 continents. Nut intake (tree nuts and ground nuts) was measured at the baseline visit, using country-specific validated FFQs. The primary outcome was a composite of mortality or major cardiovascular event [nonfatal myocardial infarction (MI), stroke, or heart failure]. Results: We followed 124,329 participants (age = 50.7 y, SD = 10.2; 41.5% male) for a median of 9.5 y. We recorded 10,928 composite events [deaths (n = 8,662) or major cardiovascular events (n = 5,979)]. Higher nut intake (>120 g per wk compared with <30 g per mo) was associated with a lower risk of the primary composite outcome of mortality or major cardiovascular event [multivariate HR (mvHR): 0.88; 95% CI: 0.80, 0.96; P-trend = 0.0048]. Significant reductions in total (mvHR: 0.77; 95% CI: 0.69, 0.87; P-trend <0.0001), cardiovascular (mvHR: 0.72; 95% CI: 0.56, 0.92; P-trend = 0.048), and noncardiovascular mortality (mvHR: 0.82; 95% CI: 0.70, 0.96; P-trend = 0.0046) with a trend to reduced cancer mortality (mvHR: 0.81; 95% CI: 0.65, 1.00; P-trend = 0.081) were observed. No significant associations of nuts were seen with major CVD (mvHR: 0.91; 95% CI: 0.81, 1.02; P-trend = 0.14), stroke (mvHR: 0.98; 95% CI: 0.84, 1.14; P-trend = 0.76), or MI (mvHR: 0.86; 95% CI: 0.72, 1.04; P-trend = 0.29). Conclusions: Higher nut intake was associated with lower mortality risk from both cardiovascular and noncardiovascular causes in low-, middle-, and high-income countries.

The beneficial effects of nutraceuticals and natural products on small dense LDL levels, LDL particle number and LDL particle size: a clinical review.

Talebi, S., M. Bagherniya, S.L. Atkin, G. Askari, H.M. Orafai, A. Sahebkar, 2020. The beneficial effects of nutraceuticals and natural products on small dense LDL levels, LDL particle number and LDL particle size: a clinical review. Lipids in Health and Disease. 19:66

Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are globally the major causes of morbidity and mortality. Evidence shows that smaller and denser low-dense lipoprotein (sdLDL) particles are independent atherogenic risk factors for CVD due to their greater susceptibility to oxidation, and permeability in the endothelium of arterial walls. sdLDL levels are an independent risk factor and of more predictive value than total LDL-C for the assessment of coronary artery disease and metabolic syndrome. Functional food ingredients have attracted significant attention for the management of dyslipidemia and subsequently increase cardio-metabolic health. However, to date there is no study that has investigated the effect of these bioactive natural compounds on sdLDL levels. Therefore, the aim of the present review is to summarize the evidence accrued on the effect of special dietary ingredients such as omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, nutraceuticals and herbal medicines on the levels of sdLDL, LDL particle number, and LDL particle size. Based on the results of the existing clinical trials this review suggests that natural products such as medicinal plants, nutraceuticals and omega-3 fatty acids can be used as adjunct or complementary therapeutic agents to reduce sdLDL levels, LDL particle numbers or increase LDL particle size and subsequently may prevent and treat CVD, with the advantage that these natural agents are generally safe, accessible, and inexpensive.

Tree nut snack consumption is associated with better diet quality and CVD risk in the UK adult population: National Diet and Nutrition Survey (NDNS) 2008-2014.

Dikariyanto, V., S.E. Berry, G.K. Pot, L. Francis, L. Smith, W.L. Hall, 2020. Tree nut snack consumption is associated with better diet quality and CVD risk in the UK adult population: National Diet and Nutrition Survey (NDNS) 2008-2014. Public Health Nutr. doi: 10.1017/S1368980019003914. [Epub ahead of print]

Objectives: To examine associations of tree nut snack (TNS) consumption with diet quality and cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk in UK adults from National Diet and Nutrition Survey (NDNS) 2008-2014. Design: Cross-sectional analysis using data from 4-d food diaries, blood samples and physical measurements for CVD risk markers. To estimate diet quality, modified Mediterranean Diet Score (MDS) and modified Healthy Diet Score (HDS) were applied. Associations of TNS consumption with diet quality and markers of CVD risk were investigated using survey-adjusted multivariable linear regression adjusted for sex, age, ethnicity, socio-economic and smoking status, region of residency and total energy and alcohol intake. Setting: UK free-living population. Subjects: 4738 adults (≥19 years). Results: TNS consumers had higher modified MDS and HDS relative to non-consumers. TNS consumers also had lower BMI, WC, SBP and DBP and higher HDL compared to non-consumers, although a dose-related fully adjusted significant association between increasing nut intake (g per 4184 kJ/1000 kcal energy intake) and lower marker of CVD risk was only observed for SBP. TNS consumption was also associated with higher intake of total fat, mono-, n-3 and n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, fibre, vitamin A, thiamin, folate, vitamin C, vitamin E, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, selenium and iron; and lower intake of saturated fatty acids, trans fatty acids, total carbohydrate, starch, free sugar, sodium and chloride. Conclusions: TNS consumers report better dietary quality and consumption was associated with lower CVD risk factors. Encouraging replacement of less healthy snacks with TNS should be encouraged as part of general dietary guidelines.

Replacing saturated fats with unsaturated fats from walnuts or vegetable oils lowers atherogenic lipoprotein classes without increasing lipoprotein(a).

Tindall, A.M., P.M. Kris-Etherton, K.S. Petersen, 2020. Replacing saturated fats with unsaturated fats from walnuts or vegetable oils lowers atherogenic lipoprotein classes without increasing lipoprotein(a). J Nutr. pii: nxz313. doi: 10.1093/jn/nxz313. [Epub ahead of print]

Bachground: Walnuts have established lipid-/lipoprotein-lowering properties; however, their effect on lipoprotein subclasses has not been investigated. Furthermore, the mechanisms by which walnuts improve lipid/lipoprotein concentrations are incompletely understood. Objectives: We aimed to examine, as exploratory outcomes of this trial, the effect of replacing SFAs with unsaturated fats from walnuts or vegetable oils on lipoprotein subclasses, cholesterol efflux, and proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 (PCSK9). Methods: A randomized, crossover, controlled-feeding study was conducted in individuals at risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) (n = 34; 62% men; mean ± SD age 44 ± 10 y; BMI: 30.1 ± 4.9 kg/m2). After a 2-wk run-in diet (12% SFAs, 7% PUFAs, 12% MUFAs), subjects consumed the following diets, in randomized order, for 6 wk: 1) walnut diet (WD) [57-99 g/d walnuts, 7% SFAs, 16% PUFAs [2.7% α-linolenic acid (ALA)], 9% MUFAs]; 2) walnut fatty acid-matched diet [7% SFAs, 16% PUFAs (2.6% ALA), 9% MUFAs]; and 3) oleic acid replaces ALA diet (ORAD) [7% SFAs, 14% PUFAs (0.4% ALA); 12% MUFAs] (all percentages listed are of total kilocalories ). Serum collected after the run-in (baseline) and each diet period was analyzed for lipoprotein classes and subclasses (vertical auto profile), cholesterol efflux, and PCSK9. Linear mixed models were used for data analysis. Results: Compared with the ORAD, total cholesterol (mean ± SEM -8.9± 2.3 mg/dL; -5.1%; P < 0.001), non-HDL cholesterol (-7.4 ± 2.0 mg/dL; -5.4%; P = 0.001), and LDL cholesterol (-6.9 ± 1.9 mg/dL; -6.5%; P = 0.001) were lower after the WD; no other pairwise differences existed. There were no between-diet differences for HDL-cholesterol or LDL-cholesterol subclasses. Lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)], cholesterol efflux, and PCSK9 were unchanged after the diets. Conclusions: In individuals at risk of CVD, replacement of SFAs with unsaturated fats from walnuts or vegetable oils improved lipid/lipoprotein classes, including LDL-cholesterol, non-HDL cholesterol, and total cholesterol, without an increase in Lp(a). These improvements were not explained by changes in cholesterol efflux capacity or PCSK9.