Research Abstracts

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Effect of a 2-year diet intervention with walnuts on cognitive decline. The Walnuts and Healthy Aging (WAHA) study: a randomized controlled trial.

Changes in nut consumption and subsequent cardiovascular disease risk among US men and women: 3 large prospective cohort studies.

Consumption of Nuts at Midlife and Healthy Aging in Women.

Whole almond consumption is associated with better diet quality and cardiovascular disease risk factors in the UK adult population: National Diet and Nutrition Survey (NDNS) 2008–2017.

Effect of chronic consumption of nuts on oxidative stress: a systematic review of clinical trials.

Tree nut snack consumption is associated with better diet quality and CVD risk in the UK adult population: National Diet and Nutrition Survey (NDNS) 2008–2014.

Identifying usual food choice combinations with walnuts: Analysis of a 2005-2015 clinical trial cohort of overweight and obese adults.