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Walnuts and vegetable oils containing oleic acid differentially affect the gut microbiota and associations with cardiovascular risk factors: Follow-up of a randomized, controlled, feeding trial in adults at risk for cardiovascular disease.
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Effects of diet-modulated autologous fecal microbiota transplantation on weight regain.
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Dietary walnut as food factor to rescue from NSAID-induced gastrointestinal mucosal damages.
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Colon cancer prevention with walnuts: a longitudinal study in mice from the perspective of a gut enterotype-like cluster.
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Walnuts and vegetable oils containing oleic acid differentially affect the gut microbiota and associations with cardiovascular risk factors: Follow-up of a randomized, controlled, feeding trial in adults at risk for cardiovascular disease.
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Wolffia globosa–Mankai Plant-Based Protein Contains Bioactive Vitamin B12 and Is Well Absorbed in Humans.
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Dietary walnut as food factor to rescue from NSAID-induced gastrointestinal mucosal damages.
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