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Consumption of tree nuts as snacks reduces metabolic syndrome risk in young adults: a randomized trial.
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Association of tree nut consumption with cardiovascular disease and cardiometabolic risk factors and health outcomes in US adults: NHANES 2011-2018.
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Premeal almond load decreases postprandial glycaemia, adiposity and reversed prediabetes to normoglycemia: a randomized controlled trial.
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A polyphenol-rich green Mediterranean diet enhances epigenetic regulatory potential: the DIRECT PLUS randomized controlled trial.
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Effect of almond consumption on metabolic risk factors-glucose metabolism, hyperinsulinemia, selected markers of inflammation: a randomized controlled trial in adolescents and young adults.
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Effects of supplementing the usual diet with a daily dose of walnuts for two years on metabolic syndrome and its components in an elderly cohort.
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Metabolic syndrome features and excess weight were inversely associated with nut consumption after 1-year follow-up in the PREDIMED-Plus study.
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