
Changes in the gut microbial communities following addition of walnuts to the diet.

Byerley, L.O., D. Samuelson, E. Blanchard, M. Luo, B.N. Lorenzen, S. Banks, M.A. Ponder, D.A. Welsh, C.M. Taylor, 2017. Changes in the gut microbial communities following addition of walnuts to the diet. J Nutr Biochem. 48:94-102.

Walnuts are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, phytochemicals and antioxidants making them unique compared to other foods. Consuming walnuts has been associated with health benefits including a reduced risk of heart disease and cancer. Dysbiosis of the gut microbiome has been linked to several chronic diseases. One potential mechanism by which walnuts may exert their health benefit is through modifying the gut microbiome. This study identified the changes in the gut microbial communities that occur following the inclusion of walnuts in the diet. Male Fischer 344 rats (n=20) were randomly assigned to one of two diets for as long as 10 weeks: 1) walnut (W), and 2) replacement (R) in which the fat, fiber, and protein in walnuts were matched with corn oil, protein casein, and a cellulose fiber source. Intestinal samples were collected from the descending colon, the DNA isolated, and the V3-V4 hypervariable region of 16S rRNA gene deep sequenced on an Illumina MiSeq for characterization of the gut microbiota. Body weight and food intake did not differ significantly between the two diet groups. The diet groups had distinct microbial communities with animals consuming walnuts displaying significantly greater species diversity. Walnuts increased the abundance of Firmicutes and reduced the abundance of Bacteriodetes. Walnuts enriched the microbiota for probiotic-type bacteria including Lactobacillus, Ruminococcaceae, and Roseburia while significantly reducing Bacteroides and Anaerotruncus. The class Alphaproteobacteria was also reduced. Walnut consumption altered the gut microbial community suggesting a new mechanism by which walnuts may confer their beneficial health effects.

Prebiotic nut compounds and human microbiota.

Lamuel-Raventos, R.M., M.-P. St. Onge, 2017. Prebiotic nut compounds and human microbiota. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition. 57(14): 3154–3163.

Nut consumption is clearly related to human health outcomes. Its beneficial effects have been mainly attributed to nut fatty acid profiles and content of vegetable protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals, phytosterols and phenolics. However, in this review we focus on the prebiotics properties in humans of the nonbioaccessible material of nuts (polymerized polyphenols and polysaccharides), which provides substrates for the human gut microbiota and on the formation of new bioactive metabolites and the absorption of that may partly explain the health benefits of nut consumption.

Influence of diet on the gut microbiome and implications for human health.

Singh, R.K., H.‑W. Chang , D. Yan, K.M. Lee, D. Ucmak, K. Wong, M. Abrouk, B. Farahnik, M. Nakamura, T.H. Zhu, T. Bhutani, W. Liao, 2017. Influence of diet on the gut microbiome and implications for human health. J Transl Med. 15:73 DOI 10.1186/s12967-017-1175-y

Recent studies have suggested that the intestinal microbiome plays an important role in modulating risk of several chronic diseases, including inflammatory bowel disease, obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. At the same time, it is now understood that diet plays a significant role in shaping the microbiome, with experiments showing that dietary alterations can induce large, temporary microbial shifts within 24 h. Given this association, there may be significant therapeutic utility in altering microbial composition through diet. This review systematically evaluates current data regarding the effects of several common dietary components on intestinal microbiota. We show that consumption of particular types of food produces predictable shifts in existing host bacterial genera. Furthermore, the identity of these bacteria affects host immune and metabolic parameters, with broad implications for human health. Familiarity with these associations will be of tremendous use to the practitioner as well as the patient.

Nut, corn, and popcorn consumption and the incidence of diverticular disease

Strate, L.L., Y.L. Liu, S. Syngal, W.H. Aldoori, E.L. Giovannucci, 2008. Nut, corn, and popcorn consumption and the incidence of diverticular disease. JAMA. 300(8):907-914.

Context Patients with diverticular disease are frequently advised to avoid eating nuts, corn, popcorn, and seeds to reduce the risk of complications. However, there is little evidence to support this recommendation. Objective To determine whether nut, corn, or popcorn consumption is associated with diverticulitis and diverticular bleeding. Design and Setting The Health Professionals Follow-up Study is a cohort of US men followed up prospectively from 1986 to 2004 via self-administered questionnaires about medical (biennial) and dietary (every 4 years) information. Men reporting newly diagnosed diverticulosis or diverticulitis were mailed supplemental questionnaires.  Participants The study included 47,228 men, aged 40 to 75 years who at baseline were free of diverticulosis or its complications, cancer, and inflammatory bowel disease and returned a food-frequency questionnaire. Main Outcome Measure  Incident diverticulitis and diverticular bleeding. Results During 18 years of follow-up, there were 801 incident cases of diverticulitis and 383 incident cases of diverticular bleeding. We found inverse associations between nut and popcorn consumption and the risk of diverticulitis. The multivariate hazard ratios for men with the highest intake of each food (at least twice per week) compared with men with the lowest intake (less than once per month) were 0.80 (95% confidence interval, 0.63-1.01; P for trend = .04) for nuts and 0.72 (95% confidence interval, 0.56-0.92; P for trend = .007) for popcorn. No associations were seen between corn consumption and diverticulitis or between nut, corn, or popcorn consumption and diverticular bleeding or uncomplicated diverticulosis. Conclusions In this large, prospective study of men without known diverticular disease, nut, corn, and popcorn consumption did not increase the risk of diverticulosis or diverticular complications. The recommendation to avoid these foods to prevent diverticular complications should be reconsidered.

Frequent nut consumption and decreased risk of cholecystectomy in women

Tsai, C-J., M.F. Leitzmann, F.B. Hu, W.C. Willett, E.L. Giovannucci, 2004.  Frequent nut consumption and decreased risk of cholecystectomy in women. Am J Clin Nutr. 80:76-81.

Background: Gallstone disease is a major source of morbidity in the developed countries. Nuts are rich in several compounds that may protect against gallstone disease. Objective: The association between nut intake and cholecystectomy was examined in a large cohort of women. Design: We prospectively studied nut (peanuts, other nuts, and peanut butter) consumption in relation to the risk of cholecystectomy in a cohort of 80 718 women from the Nurses’ Health Study who were 30–55 y old in 1980 and had no history of gallstone disease. As part of the Nurses’ Health Study, the women reported on questionnaires mailed to them every 2 y both their consumption of nuts and whether they had undergone cholecystectomy. The women were followed through 2000. Results: During 1 393 256 person-years of follow-up from 1980 to 2000, we documented 7831 cholecystectomies. After adjustment for age and other known or suspected risk factors, women who consumed ≥5 units of nuts (1 unit = 1 oz or 28.6 g nuts)/wk (frequent consumption) had a significantly lower risk of cholecystectomy (relative risk: 0.75; 95% CI: 0.66, 0.85; for trend < 0.0001) than did women who never ate nuts or who ate <1 unit/mo (rare consumption). Further adjustment for fat consumption (saturated fat, trans fat, polyunsaturated fat, and monounsaturated fat) did not materially alter the relation. In analyses examining consumption of peanuts and other nuts separately, both were associated with a lower risk of cholecystectomy. Conclusion: In women, frequent nut consumption is associated with a reduced risk of cholecystectomy.