
Almond Allergy: An Overview on Prevalence, Thresholds, Regulations and Allergen Detection.

Mandalari, G., A.R. Mackie, 2018. Almond Allergy: An Overview on Prevalence, Thresholds, Regulations and Allergen Detection. Nutrients. 10(11), 1706;

Food allergy has been on the increase for many years. The prevalence of allergy to different foods varies widely depending on type of food, frequency of consumption and geographic location. Data from the literature suggests that the prevalence of tree nut allergy is of the order of 1% in the general population. Almond is one such tree nut that is frequently eaten in many parts of the world and represents a potential allergenic hazard. Given the need to label products that contain allergens, a number of different methods of direct and indirect detection have been developed. However, in the absence of population-based threshold data, and given that almond allergy is rare, the sensitivity of the required detection is unknown and thus aims as low as possible. Typically, this is less than 1 ppm, which matches the thresholds that have been shown for other allergens. This review highlights the lack of quantitative data on prevalence and thresholds for almonds, which is limiting progress in consumer protection.

Tree nut allergens.

Geiselhart, S., K. Hoffmann-Sommergruber, M. Bublin, 2018. Tree nut allergens. Mol Immunol. 100:71-81.

Tree nuts are considered as part of a healthy diet due to their high nutritional quality. However, they are also a potent source of allergenic proteins inducing IgE mediated hypersensitivity often causing serious, life-threatening reactions. The reported prevalence of tree nut allergy is up to 4.9% worldwide. The general term “tree nuts” comprises a number of nuts, seeds, and drupes, derived from trees from different botanical families. For hazelnut and walnut several allergens have been identified which are already partly applied in component resolved diagnosis, while for other tree nuts such as macadamia, coconut, and Brazil nut only individual allergens were identified and data on additional allergenic proteins are missing. This review summarizes the current knowledge on tree nut allergens and describes their physicochemical and immunological characterization and clinical relevance.

Immuno reactivity of biochemically purified amandin from thermally processed almonds (Prunus dulcis L.).

Zaffran, V.D., S.K. Sathe, 2018. Immuno reactivity of biochemically purified amandin from thermally processed almonds (Prunus dulcis L.). Food Science. 83(7):1805-1809.

Almond seeds were subjected to select thermal processing and amandin was purified from processed and unprocessed (control) seeds using cryoprecipitation. Amandin immunoreactivity was assessed using two murine monoclonal antibodies (mAbs)–4C10 and 4F10 detecting human IgE-relevant conformational and linear epitopes, respectively. Overall amandin immunoreactivity following thermal treatment ranged from 64.9% to 277.8% (4C10) and 81.3% to 270.3% (4F10). Except for autoclaving (121°C, 15 psi, 30 min) and roasting (160 °C, 30 min), the tested processing conditions resulted in increased immunoreactivity as determined by mAbs 4C10 and 4F10-based enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs). A significant, yet not complete, reduction in immunoreactivity was caused by autoclaving (121°C,15psi, 30 min) and roasting (160 °C, 30 min). Western- and dot-blot immunoassays corroborated the ELISA results, confirming amandin thermal stability.

Food allergen epitope mapping.

Liu, C., S.K. Sathe, 2018. Food allergen epitope mapping. J. Agric. Food Chem. 2018, 66:7238−7248.

With the increased global awareness and rise in food allergies, a multifold interest in food allergens is evident. The presence of undeclared food allergens results in expensive food recalls and increased risks of anaphylaxis for the sensitive individuals. Regardless of the allergenic food, the immunogen needs to be identified and detected before making any efforts to inactivate/eliminate it. In type I food allergies, protein immunogen cross-links immunoglobulin E, leading to basophil/mast cell degranulation, resulting in the symptoms that range from mild irritation to anaphylaxis. A portion/part of the protein, known as the epitope, can interact with either antibodies to elicit allergic reactions or T-cell receptors to initiate allergic sensitization. Antibody-recognized epitopes can be either a linear sequence of amino acids (linear epitope) or a three-dimensional motif (conformational epitope), while T-cell-receptor-recognized epitopes are exclusively linear peptides. Identifying and characterizing human-allergy-relevant epitopes are important for allergy diagnosis/prognosis, immunotherapy, and developing food processing methods that can reduce/eliminate immunogencity/immunoreactivity of the allergen.

Comparison of laboratory-developed and commercial monoclonal antibody-based sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays for almond (Prunusdulcis) detection and quantification.

Liu, C., G.S. Chhabra, J. Zhao,V.D. Zaffran, S.Gupta, K.H. Roux, T.M. Gradziel, S.K. Sathe, 2017. Comparison of laboratory-developed and commercial monoclonal antibody-based sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays for almond (Prunusdulcis) detection and quantification. J Food Sci. 82(10):2504-2515.

A commercially available monoclonal antibody (mAb)-based direct sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kit (BioFront Technologies, Tallahassee, Fla., U.S.A.) was compared with an in-house developed mAb 4C10-based ELISA for almond detection. The assays were comparable in sensitivity (limit of detection < 1 ppm full fat almond, limit of quantification < 5 ppm full fat almond), specificity (no cross-reactivity with 156 tested foods at a concentration of 100000 ppm whole sample), and reproducibility (intra- and interassay variability < 15% CV). The target antigens were stable and detectable in whole almond seeds subjected to autoclaving, blanching, frying, microwaving, and dry roasting. The almond recovery ranges for spiked food matrices were 84.3% to 124.6% for 4C10 ELISA and 81.2% to 127.4% for MonoTrace ELISA. The almond recovery ranges for commercial and laboratory prepared foods with declared/known almond amount were 30.9% to 161.2% for 4C10 ELISA and 38.1% to 207.6% for MonoTrace ELISA. Neither assay registered any false-positive or negative results among the tested commercial and laboratory prepared samples.

A cherry seed-derived spice, Mahleb, is recognized by anti-almond antibodies including almond-allergic patient IgE.

Noble, K.A., C. Liu, S.K. Sathe, K.H. Roux. 2017. A cherry seed-derived spice, Mahleb, is recognized by anti-almond antibodies including almond-allergic patient IgE. J. Food Sci. doi: 10.111/1750.3841.13757.

There are a number of examples of immunologic cross-reactivity elicited by pollens, fruits, seeds, and nuts of closely related plant species. Such cross-reactivity is of particular concern for patients with food allergies. In this report, we investigated a spice (mahleb) that is prepared from the kernel of the St. Lucie cherry, Prunus mahaleb, for cross-reactivity with almond (Prunus dulcis), using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and Western blot. Almond and mahleb are members of the same genus. Cross-reactivity between the mahleb and almond was demonstrated by reaction of cherry and almond kernel protein extracts with antibodies raised against almond proteins. Almond-specific murine monoclonal IgG, rabbit polyclonal IgG, and almond-allergic serum IgE each exhibited cross-reactivity with cherry kernel protein. Because of the demonstrated cross-reactivity between almond and mahleb, these findings should be of special concern to almond-allergic patients and attending medical personnel.

Low percentage of clinically relevant pistachio nut and mango co-sensitisation in cashew nut sensitised children.

van der Valk, J.P.M., R. el Bouche, R. Gerth van Wijk1, H. de Groot, H.J. Wichers, A.E.J. Dubois, N.W. de Jong, 2017. Low percentage of clinically relevant pistachio nut and mango co-sensitisation in cashew nut sensitised children. Clin Transl Allergy. 7:8.

Background:  Cashew nut, pistachio nut and mango belong to the Anacardiaceae family and are botanically related. Therefore, cashew nut sensitised children are frequently advised to eliminate cashew nuts and pistachio nuts from their diet. The ‘Improvement of Diagnostic mEthods for ALlergy assessment (IDEAL trial number NTR3572) study showed that cashew nut sensitised children were co-sensitised to pistachio nut in 98% of cases and to mango in 21% of cases. The aim of this follow-up study to IDEAL is to assess the clinical relevance of co-sensitisation to pistachio nut and mango in cashew nut sensitised children. Methods: Children were recruited from the study: ‘Improvement of Diagnostic mEthods for ALlergy assessment (IDEAL trial number NTR3572). Inclusion criterion for the IDEAL study was sensitization to cashew nut as demonstrated by either SPT or sIgE, and a clinical history of reactions to cashew nuts or no previous (known) exposure. Sensitized children who were tolerant to cashew nuts were excluded. Inclusion criterion for this IDEAL follow-up study was co-sensitization to pistachio nut, regardless the result of the DBPCFC with cashew nut. In this follow-up study a double-blind placebo-controlled food challenge with pistachio nut and an open food challenge with mango were performed. Results: Twenty-nine children (mean age of 11.6 years, 62% male) were included. Pistachio nut sensitisation was clinically relevant in only 34% of cashew-sensitised children and only 31% of cashew challenge positive children. None of the children was challenge positive to mango. Conclusion: Although co-sensitisation between cashew nut and pistachio nut was observed in 98%, pistachio nut sensitisation was only clinically relevant in 34% of the children. Therefore, a challenge test with pistachio nut is recommended in children with cashew nut and pistachio nut sensitisation.

Allergic reactions to pine nut: A review.

Cabanillas, B., N. Novak, 2015. Allergic reactions to pine nut: A review. J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol. 25(5):329-333.

Pine nut is a nutrient-rich food with a beneficial impact on human health. The many bioactive constituents of pine nut interact synergistically to affect human physiology in a favorable way. However, pine nut can trigger dangerous allergic reactions. Severe anaphylactic reactions to pine nut accounted for most of the 45 cases reported in the scientific literature. Pine nut allergy seems to be characterized by low IgE cross-reactivity with other commonly consumed nuts and a high monosensitization rate. The present review provides updated information on allergic reactions to pine nut, molecular characterization of its allergens, and potential homologies with other nut allergens.

The prevalence of tree nut allergy: A systematic review.

V. McWilliam, J. Koplin, C. Lodge, M. Tang, S. Dharmage, K. Allen, 2015. The prevalence of tree nut allergy: A systematic review. Curr Allergy Asthma Rep. 15(9):54. doi: 10.1007/s11882-015-0555-8.

Tree nuts are one of the most common foods causing acute allergic reactions and nearly all tree nuts have been associated with fatal allergic reactions. Despite their clinical importance, tree nut allergy epidemiology remains understudied and the prevalence of tree nut allergy in different regions of the world has not yet been well characterised. We aimed to systematically review the population prevalence of tree nut allergy in children and adults. We searched three electronic databases (OVID MEDLINE, EMBASE and PubMed) from January 1996 to December 2014. Eligible studies were categorised by age, region and method of assessment of tree nut allergy. Of the 36 studies identified most were in children (n = 24) and from Europe (n = 18), UK (n = 8) or USA (n = 5). Challenge-confirmed IgE-mediated tree nut allergy prevalence was less than 2 % (although only seven studies used this gold standard) while probable tree nut allergy prevalence ranged from 0.05 to 4.9 %. Prevalence estimates that included oral allergy syndrome (OAS) reactions to tree nut were significantly higher (8-11.4 %) and were predominantly from Europe. Prevalence of individual tree nut allergies varied significantly by region with hazelnut the most common tree nut allergy in Europe, walnut and cashew in the USA and Brazil nut, almond and walnut most commonly reported in the UK. Monitoring time trends of tree nut allergy prevalence (both overall and by individual nuts) as well as the prevalence of OAS should be considered given the context of the overall recent rise in IgE-mediated food allergy prevalence in the developed world.

Systematic review on cashew nut allergy.

van der Valk, J.P.M., A.E.J. Dubois, R.G. van Wijk, H.J. Wichers, N.W. de Jong, 2014. Systematic review on cashew nut allergy. Allergy. 69(6):692-698.

Recent studies on cashew nut allergy suggest that the prevalence of cashew nut allergy is increasing. Cashew nut consumption by allergic patients can cause severe reactions, including anaphylaxis. This review summarizes current knowledge on cashew nut allergy to facilitate timely clinical recognition and to promote awareness of this emerging food allergy amongst clinicians. The goal of this study is to present a systematic review focused on the clinical aspects of allergy to cashew nut including the characteristics of cashew nut, the prevalence, allergenic components, cross-reactivity, diagnosis and management of cashew nut allergy. The literature search yielded 255 articles of which 40 met our selection criteria and were considered to be relevant for this review. The 40 articles included one prospective study, six retrospective studies and seven case reports. The remaining 26 papers were not directly related to cashew nut allergy. The literature suggests that the prevalence of cashew nut allergy is increasing, although the level of evidence for this is low. A minimal amount of cashew nut allergen may cause a severe allergic reaction, suggesting high potency comparable with other tree nuts and peanuts. Cashew allergy is clearly an underestimated important healthcare problem, especially in children.