Richardson, D.P., A. Astrup, A. Cocaul, P. Ellis, 2009. The nutritional and health benefits of almonds: a healthy food choice. Food Science and Technology Bulletin: Functional Foods. 6(4):41-50.
Over the last decade, the research on the effects of almonds on reducing blood cholesterol levels and reduction of risk of heart disease has grown significantly. Emerging research on almonds also shows promising health benefits linked to body weight control and diabetes. Almonds naturally contain high levels of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, protein and dietary fiber, as well as a variety of essential nutrients including vitamin E and several trace elements. Almonds are very low in sodium and high in potassium, and they contain a range of phytoprotective constituents. The available evidence also indicates that weight gain may not be a concern when nuts are consumed in moderation, and that regular consumption of nuts can be recommended in the context of a healthy balanced diet.