Research Abstracts

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The association between left ventricular hypertrophy and consumption of nuts, including peanuts, pine nuts, and almonds.

Effect of green Mediterranean diet on cardiometabolic risk; a randomised controlled trial.

Walnuts and vegetable oils containing oleic acid differentially affect the gut microbiota and associations with cardiovascular risk factors: Follow-up of a randomized, controlled, feeding trial in adults at risk for cardiovascular disease.

Walnut consumption and cardiac phenotypes: the coronary artery risk development in young adults (CARDIA) study.  

Circulating omega-3 fatty acids and incident adverse events in patients with acute myocardial infarction.

Walnut consumption, plasma metabolomics, and risk of Type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Association of nut intake with risk factors, cardiovascular disease, and mortality in 16 countries from 5 continents: analysis from the Prospective Urban and Rural Epidemiology (PURE) study.