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Diet-induced fasting ghrelin elevation reflects the recovery of insulin sensitivity and visceral adiposity regression.
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Cumulative average nut consumption in relation to lower incidence of hypertension: a prospective cohort study of 10,347 adults.
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Tree nut consumption is associated with a lower risk of hyperestrogenism in men.
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Nut consumption in association with overall mortality and recurrence/disease-specific mortality among long-term breast cancer survivors.
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The effects of peanuts and tree nuts on lipid profile in type 2 diabetic patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized, controlled-feeding clinical studies.
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The effects of almond consumption on inflammatory biomarkers in adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials.
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Effect of almond consumption on metabolic risk factors-glucose metabolism, hyperinsulinemia, selected markers of inflammation: a randomized controlled trial in adolescents and young adults.
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