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Polyphenols in almond skins produced during almond blanching process modulate plasma biomarkers of oxidative stress in healthy humans.
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The effect of almond consumption on postprandial metabolic and satiety response in high-risk pregnant women.
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A randomized, controlled trial on the effects of almonds on lipoprotein response to a higher carbohydrate, lower fat diet in men and women with abdominal adiposity.
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Effects of almond consumption on metabolic and liver function in overweight and obese adults with elevated fasting blood glucose: A randomized controlled trial.
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Lipid lowering effect of almonds (Prunus Dulcis) in healthy adults.
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Walnut oral immunotherapy for desensitisation of walnut and additional tree nut allergies (Nut CRACKER): a single-centre, prospective cohort study.
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The association between metabolic syndrome and peanuts, pine nuts, almonds consumption: The Ansan and Ansung Study.
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