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Consuming almonds vs. isoenergetic baked food does not differentially influence postprandial appetite or neural reward responses to visual food stimuli.
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Effects of dark chocolate and almonds on cardiovascular risk factors in overweight and obese individuals: A randomized controlled-feeding trial.
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Associations between nut consumption and health vary between omnivores, vegetarians, and vegans.
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Longitudinal analysis of nut-inclusive diets and body mass index among overweight and obese African American women living in rural Alabama and Mississippi, 2011–2013.
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Multiple reaction monitoring profiling to assess compliance with an almond consumption intervention.
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Intramyocellular triacylglycerol accumulation across weight loss strategies; Sub-study of the CENTRAL trial.
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Effectiveness of a walnut-enriched diet on murine sperm: involvement of reduced peroxidative damage.
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