
The Great Outdoors…Better with a Side of Nuts

Whether you’re an extreme hiker, mountain biker, fisher, forager or just love picnics and camping, taking along some nuts can only enhance your time outdoors.  Filled with important nutrients that can provide energy and keep you full, tree nuts can be prepared in many delicious ways that work perfectly in an outdoor adventure.

Here are some ideas to get your creative juices going:

  1. Simply nuts – of course, the easiest way to enjoy tree nuts is to pack some in zip lock bags to tuck in your backpack.  But you can upgrade the experience by seasoning the nuts or adding dried fruit.  We have plenty of seasoning ideas in our recipe collection.
  2. Nut cookies – whether it’s a chewy breakfast cookie, a rich shortbread, or dippable Biscotti, sitting on a mountaintop or riverside with a beverage and a cookie is truly magical, and prepares you for the next leg of your journey.
  3. Nut burgers – These burgers can be made ahead of time, wrapped and then cooked on the campfire!  A delicious lunch or dinner to send you off to a blissful sleep under the stars.
  4. Frittata – A picnic or al fresco lunch just begs for a frittata, and adding nuts brings a wonderful texture and flavor.  They can be enjoyed cold or warm out of the oven for a back yard family feast!
  5. Breakfast – Take some muffins or a nourishing Grain Bowl on the road to get your day off to the right start!
  6. Nut butter – If you’re feeling tired, take a spoonful of nut butter with honey for a quick and lasting lift.

Wishing you a happy and safe summer season, enjoying the wonders of nature!

The Global Nutrition Powerhouse – Nuts!

Throughout history nuts have played a significant role in the diets and health of cultures around the world and have formed the staples of many dishes intrinsic to their cuisines. From sustaining explorers to being featured in celebrations, nuts have enjoyed a universal appeal. Let’s have a look at the origins of some tree nuts and classic ways they can inspire us in our daily nut creations:

Almonds – Mentioned in the bible and Greek Mythology, almond history mainly revolves around the Mediterranean and particularly Spain. From soups like Ajo Blanco, where almonds give a silky creaminess, to a rich Romesco Sauce from the Catalan region, where almonds combine with roasted peppers and spices to make a delicious addition to fish and other dishes. And a tapas platter would be incomplete without some paprika spiced Marcona almonds.

Brazil Nuts – Grown mainly in the lowland Amazon rainforests, Brazil nuts are native to Southern American cuisine. Brazil nut trees sometimes live 500 years or more and grow up to 165 feet. Many organizations work tirelessly to preserve the forests where these valuable selenium-rich nuts grow, supporting the livelihoods of families reliant on their harvest. Many from the region simply slice the nut to toast and toss with herbs as a healthy protein rich snack, but in Peru, their Brazil Nut turrón will rival any Spanish or Italian equivalent.

Cashew Nuts – Though most associate cashew nuts with India, the nut actually hails from South America. Portuguese colonists were responsible for introducing the nut to West Africa and India in the 16th Century, and now the nut is commonly used in South Asian cuisine. Cashews are used whole for garnishing sweets, curries, stir fries, or Sang Choy Bow, or ground into a paste that forms a base of sauces for curries (e.g., korma).

Hazelnuts – A symbol of wisdom, fertility and knowledge, the hazelnut has been found in writings dating back centuries from China to Greece. Originally believed to have been from Asia minor, the nut spread all over Europe, particularly embraced by countries such as Turkey and Italy. One traditional Turkish dish featuring hazelnuts is Bafra, which every home makes at celebrations. It’s simply a thin yeast dough sprinkled with sugar, hazelnuts and raisins, rolled up into a cylinder and baked. You could just use filo pastry to make your own simpler version. In Italy, Torta Nocciola can be found in bakeries everywhere, and farmers take their abundance of hazelnuts to local oil producers to make hazelnut oil, which is wonderfully aromatic on salads.

Macadamias – Contrary to popular belief, macadamias are actually native to Australia, being one of the main forms of sustenance for indigenous Australians on walkabouts. The tree was, however, first commercially harvested in Hawaii. Being a relatively “new” discovery, most recipes featuring macadamias are modern and creative, making use of the creamy, crisp texture and buttery flavor. They make a wonderful butter replacement in shortbread, and macadamia crusted fish appears on menus around the world.

Pecans – The only tree nut actually native to America is the pecan, and it is a species of the hickory tree.  Pecan use dates back to the 1500’s where it was found along riverbeds in the south east US and northern Mexico, particularly around the Mississippi region. It was a staple of the pre-colonial American diet, being used in Fall and Winter and often used to make a nut milk, or soups and breads. Kanuchi is a Cherokee soup in which pecans are pureed with salt and water and usually topped with roasted squash.  Pecan pie is one of the most famous American desserts, but pecans are now widely used in salads, cheese boards, muffins and just as a delicious snack.

Pistachios – A relative of the cashew, the pistachio originated in the Middle East, and is mentioned in the book of Genesis. Historically the nut was savored by the wealthy and royalty, and it wasn’t until after WWII that the pistachio became more mainstream. While it was still considered a delicacy in France and countries north of the alps, Italy found a way to incorporate the nut in their cuisine, from delicate cookies, gelato and even as a pizza topping.

Walnuts – Walnuts are one of the oldest food trees known to man, dating back to 7,000 BC. Once named Juglans regia, “Jupiter’s royal acorn,” historical records suggest the nut came from Persia where it was saved for royalty. A classic Persian dish is Fesenjan, featuring a walnut and pomegranate stew with chicken. In the Mediterranean they are intrinsic to many dishes, from an Italian walnut sauce for pasta, to Greek Walnut bread.

So, globalize your kitchen, expand your culinary repertoire and Go Nuts!

Jazz up your Holiday Party with Nuts

The holidays are here – full of joy, friends and family, celebration and parties!  It’s time to search for creative ways to entertain and come up with new ideas for party nibbles and small bites to serve with drinks.

Incorporating nuts into the menu has a number of benefits –they pair wonderfully with wine, they offer a multitude of flavors, and they add a heathy dose of nutrients often lacking in party food. So put out some bowls of mixed nuts, or go a step further and try some of these great ideas:

Cheese Platter – Nuts and cheese are nothing new – we’ve even done a whole blog on the topic. Think of a ball of goat cheese crusted in roasted chopped nuts and fresh herbs, or honey and walnuts drizzled over Manchego. Or, some camembert cheese baked in oiled ramekins with a splash of whisky, and some chopped nuts, such as walnuts or pecans, and a drizzle of maple syrup. Bake for 10-15 minutes in a 350° oven. It’s delicious spooned onto flatbread crackers.

Bruschetta – Mushrooms are in season. Imagine a bruschetta with burrata or ricotta cheese and braised mushrooms, such as chanterelles, with a crumbling of roasted walnuts, pine nuts or Brazil nuts and fresh oregano or thyme.

Flavored Nuts – Whether sweet or hot, adding a delicious, flavored crust to nuts enables you to craft your own party nibble. We have a multitude of ideas for ways to season nuts in our recipe column, or use your own inspiration by adding your favorite herbs and spices. (They also make a great party gift bag for guests to take home).

Mini Pizzas – Turn our pistachio and zucchini pizza into pizza bites or use any nuts of choice. Simply cut small discs out of your pizza dough with a cookie cutter before putting on the topping and bake as usual.

Chicken and Shrimp Skewers – A real crowd pleaser, simply thread strips of chicken or a few raw shrimp onto soaked bamboo skewers, brush with some sesame oil and soy sauce, then serve with a nut sauce for dipping. Blend together nuts such as cashews, macadamias, almonds or hazelnuts with a squeeze of lime juice, soy, ginger and mirin (rice wine) or rice vinegar, adding enough liquid to make a dipping consistency.

Nut-stuffed Olives – You’ll often see almonds in olives in market olive bars, but you can really put any nut inside an olive. Make it even more special by finely dicing the nuts, adding goat cheese with some herbs or garlic and gently piping this mixture into the olives.

Chocolate Slabs – There’s always room for sweets on your party table and making your own chocolate slabs is a fun way to surprise guests with your creativity. Try chili flakes with dark chocolate and roasted almonds; salt, milk chocolate and pistachios; honey, white chocolate and walnuts, or fresh rosemary and hazelnuts on a mixed swirl of chocolates. Simply line a baking tray with parchment, pour over with melted chocolate and scatter with nuts and seasoning of choice. They go wonderfully with a glass of red wine or sparkling! Or if cocktails are the event, mix a little liqueur such as brandy or Cointreau into the chocolate.

Wishing you all a happy, safe and healthy holiday season!

Nuts on the Thanksgiving Table

Thankfully the world is gradually returning to a pre-pandemic state, and we can gather families and friends around the Thanksgiving table. As we look to create something special to celebrate, nuts can enhance so many of our traditional and not-so-traditional dishes. Here are some ideas to jazz up your Thanksgiving table with tree nuts.

Thanksgiving Toast – The party begins with a glass of bubbles or cider, and there’s no better accompaniment than a bowl of roasted nuts. They’ll keep your hunger craving at bay until the feast arrives.

Soup for starters – Switch from squash soup to our Mediterranean Carrot soup with a sweet and sour nut and dried fruit topping. Very fitting for a Fall table!

Stuffing – Add some crunch to your stuffing mix with nuts such as walnuts, pecans, Brazil nuts and hazelnuts, and perhaps the sweet touch of cranberries or currants.

Go Nuts with your Turkey – There are many ways to add some nuts to your turkey aside from the stuffing. Try bringing an Italian flair with either a pesto or a Spanish Romesco – you can substitute any tree nuts in these recipes. If you’re just going with roasted breasts, make a crumb of chopped nuts, cheese and mixed fresh herbs to crust the outsides.

Sweet Potato Casserole – Give your casserole a nutty sweet topping as the crowning glory. A scattering of pistachios, pecans and/or pine nuts, mixed with brown sugar and a few dollops of butter, turns a side into a treat! This is especially great if you have a non-meat eater in the group!

Green Beans –  Green beans and sliced toasted almonds are made in heaven, just with a kiss of honey, lemon zest and butter, and hazelnuts bring a beautiful earthiness to this green bean dish. Cashews and macadamias are also lovely with beans, but especially with pan roasted Brussel sprouts!

Nut Pastry for your Pie? – Pastry made with nuts makes a delicious and healthy alternative to traditional pastry. Try an Apple Gallette to use up the last of the season’s apples. Or if you want to go more traditional, here’s a part Pumpkin Pie, part cheesecake that’s sure to please anyone.

Happy Thanksgiving from the Nutty Chef!

Around the World in 5 Nutty Desserts

It’s National Dessert Day and we decided to pay tribute to some of the many wonderful desserts enjoyed around the world, where nuts are a key ingredient!

Baklava – The first known record of Baklava dates back to 800BC in the Assyrian empire. Now credited to Greek, Turkish and Middle Eastern cuisines, that sweet and sumptuous layering of filo dough, honey and spiced nuts can be found all around the world. Here’s a classic Greek recipe for you to try!

Schnecken – This traditional German pastry is also commonly found in Austria, France and Northern European countries. A pastry formed into the shape of a snail (translation of Schnecken), is glazed and dusted with nuts. This version, which you’ll find on our website, is made with hazelnuts.

Macaroons (Macarons) – The dessert you have when you’re not having dessert, these small nut-based meringues are filled with a succulent cream and come in a range of flavors. Fabulous with coffee or tea, they are now very popular in cafes around America. Here is one featuring almonds and a sweet raspberry filling.

Gelato – Who would say no to a classic Italian gelato, which often includes a base of nuts such as pistachio, nocciola (hazelnut) or almonds? Gelato is traditionally made using a milk-based custard rather than cream, so it’s often lower in fat and sugar than ice cream. An Indian version called Kulfi, uses condensed sweetened milk, saffron, turmeric, pistachios and cashews, and is perfect after a curry dish!

Rosewater Rice Pudding with Nuts and Pomegranate – There are many versions of sweet rice puddings from Lebanon, which use the floral notes of rosewater and a dusting of nuts, to Asia and Britain where either ginger or nutmeg lift the sweet rice and are always more appealing with a sprinkling of nuts!

Bon Appétit!

International Nut Day

Celebrated on October 22, International Nut Day was initially created in 2015 to support small nut farmers around the world, educate consumers about the many benefits of nuts, and encourage healthier snacking! It’s a day to celebrate the history and diversity of nuts, which have been a staple in the diet for over 780,000 years.

Here are just a few reasons to go nuts every day:

Flavor – Nut flavors run the gamut, from the slightly sweet cashews and pistachios, to the rich velvety macadamias and pine nuts, and earthy almonds and pecans. And then there’s roasted nuts, which bring a whole new dimension to the experience. Nuts add a certain flair to any meal and are fun to experiment with in the kitchen.

Texture – Think sliced toasted almonds scattered over green buttery beans, a walnut basil pesto tossed through pasta, roasted hazelnuts over your next arugula salad, or that unique burst of flavor from a Brazil nut in fruit cake. Nuts add a delicious crunch to any meal and make a great thickener to casseroles and soups when pureed.

Health – Nutrition in a nut shell, tree nuts contain a multitude of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and so much more. And each nut has its own special attributes so it’s great to get a mixture of them all! Go to our website to learn more about the nutritional benefits of each tree nut.

Satiety – Nuts have been used for centuries to provide sustenance and satiety to civilizations. Often being stored through the colder months when other crops are unavailable, nuts were one of the only sources of food that could be stored for longer periods and provide a long lasting energy. If you’re on a long hike, road trip or even just working long hours, there’s nothing better than a handful of nuts to keep you going.

So, this International Nut Day, embrace the joy of nuts with friends and families!

Go Nuts for Better Breakfast Month

It’s Better Breakfast Month and there’s no better time to celebrate nuts than at breakfast! They provide sustaining energy to carry you over to lunch, and they’re a powerhouse of nutrients. Tree nuts are also intrinsic to so many breakfast dishes such as granola, fruit parfaits, muffins and pancakes, just to name a few.

Life is so much more interesting when we get playful and change things up a bit. Here are some ideas to help you add a little personality to your breakfast plate:

Avocado Toast

This iconic dish has become a staple on so many café menus, sometimes served all day long. Here’s our creation, be sure add your favorite nut for crunch and depth. 

Grain Bowl

There are few breakfasts more nutritious and filling than one with healthy grains, fruit and nuts. Choose fruit in season and change up your grains and nuts to bring more variety. Think strawberries and hazelnuts, mango and macadamias, peaches and almonds, raspberries and walnuts, nectarines and pecans, kiwis and pistachios – what’s your favorite pairing? For inspiration see our Breakfast Grain Bowl using mixed tree nuts.

Blueberry Breakfast Bread

Blueberry Breads are a delightful start to any day. Simply make them the night before and then pop in the oven for kids to eat on the run.


In many countries a smoothie isn’t complete without nuts – they add a creamy thickness and a lovely depth of flavor, and help make smoothies more satiating. Look for fruit and vegetables in season, add some water to make it more hydrating, and some nuts of your choice. Try our delicious Strawberry Date and Walnut Smoothie.

Nut Butter Toast

Nut butters, with honey, bananas, jelly or even eggs and bacon, add a unique flavor to your breakfast toast and they are easy to make!

It’s a Wrap

Breakfast Burritos and Wraps aren’t what you’d commonly associate with nuts, but why not add a sprinkling! Pine nuts or crumbled pecans can be added to your burrito mix, or try grated veggies with sliced mixed nuts to start your day off right!

Tomato, Cheese and Nut Omelet

If eggs are your favorite morning dish, whether an omelet or scrambled, trying adding a crunch of nuts. Mushroom omelets are lovely with hazelnuts or walnuts; tomato omelets with basil and pine nuts are delicious as are scrambled eggs dusted with toasted sliced almonds and a drizzle of olive oil.

So, cheers to our most important meal of the day! Make yours better with a good dose of tree nuts!

August is National Sandwich Month!

It’s officially National Sandwich Month! And who doesn’t love a great sandwich or have their own personal favorite? Whether it’s a multigrain veggie feast, a meaty Sloppy Joe, a New Orleans Po Boy or a classic turkey sourdough club, this is the month to celebrate the grand sandwich.

Though many will attribute the creation of the sandwich to the “Earl of Sandwich” in the 1700s, who feasted while gambling, the first recorded sandwich was by the famous rabbi, Hillel the Elder, who lived during the 1st century B.C.  He started the Passover custom of sandwiching a mixture of lamb, chopped nuts, apples, spices, and wine between two Matzos to eat with bitter herbs. Nowadays that may seem like an exotic creation!

Today there are many ways to incorporate a healthy dose of tree nuts in your sandwich, whether mixed into your tuna salad, toasted and scattered over an open Danish sandwich, or mixed into a burger to enjoy as a patty melt. One of the easiest ways is to start with a nut butter which you can make at home (see our recipe here).

Here are some ideas for nut rich sandwiches:

Walnut, Apple and Celery – A great one for back to school, grate apple and toss with lemon juice, sliced celery, a spoon of mayonnaise or yogurt and toasted walnuts. Fill a sealed container with the salad for your child’s lunch box and add some bread, tortillas or crackers wrapped separately on the side for easy assembly.

Macadamia Butter, Banana and Honey – A fabulous and filling breakfast sandwich to get the kids or adults off to school and work and keep them full until lunch – they’ll never know it’s not really butter.

Pistachio, Grated Carrot, Arugula and Currants – This is a great sandwich to take to work on thick multigrain bread. Either make pistachio (or your favorite nut) butter, or dice roasted nuts and toss with grated carrot, arugula and currants.

Pecan Butter, Roast Beef, Peppers and Cabbage –  The depth of the pecan butter is delightful with roast beef and the crunch of fresh shredded cabbage.

Almond Butter, Avocado and Soft-Boiled Egg – The classic Avo toast is made so much better with the addition of almond butter!

Pine Nut Pesto, Tomato and Burrata – Take a leaf from the Italians healthy cap with a bruschetta at its most classic and finest. Spread sliced toasted ciabatta with pesto, and top with vine ripened tomatoes and burrata.

Hazelnut and Dill Cream Cheese with Smoked Salmon on Rye – The crunch of some toasted hazelnuts in a cream cheese spread is wonderful with smoked salmon or even canned sardines, served in that typical Danish style, open faced.

Brazil Nut Butter and Turkey Club – Brazil nuts are unsung heroes when it comes to adding a delicious unique nuttiness to sandwiches. Lovely with turkey or any other lunch meats.

Cashew, Shrimp and Cilantro Wrap – You can wrap this in lettuce leaves, rice paper or tortillas. Combine chopped cashews, chopped or small cooked prawns, cilantro, lime juice, shredded romaine and a few dashes of chili sauce.

So, whether it’s a picnic, food for your hike or road trip, or just sending the kids back to school, don’t forget to add some nuts for a nutritional and sustaining boost!

Bon Appétit!

Nuts in American History

Although pecans are the only nut indigenous to the America’s, all tree nuts have become a common ingredient throughout the evolution of American cuisine. Walnuts were first planted by Franciscan monks in the 1700s, and by the 1870s modern walnut production was thriving in Southern California, replicating the nuts native weather of the Mediterranean.

Like the walnuts, Spanish Franciscan padres brought almonds to their Californian missions, but they didn’t thrive in the moist, cool coastal climate. In fact, it wasn’t until crops were planted in the drier inland areas during the next century that the almond industry began to blossom, now supplying more than 80% of the world’s crop.

Hazelnuts have become an Oregonian staple, first planted by an enterprising farmer in the 1850s. Little did he know how perfect the location would be. The Willamette Valley’s ideal blend of temperate climate, rich volcanic soils, and waters flowing from the Cascade Mountains, all come together to create full-flavored hazelnuts sought throughout the world.

Pistachios, originally a Middle Eastern nut, were first planted in the US in 1930s, growing in regions from California to New Mexico. Today California is the largest producer of pistachios in the world.

The native Australian macadamia has become the famous nut of Hawaii, greeting travelers to the tropical state at airports and tourist shops. Introduced in the 1880s, Hawaii was the first region to commercially grow macadamias, fast becoming one of the world’s largest producers.

The American love affair with tree nuts has grown rapidly over the years, particularly now with the popularity of plant-based eating, snacking and an increased awareness of their health benefits. Indeed, there are many US-created dishes incorporating nuts that are now famous around the world. So, this July 4th, wave the American flag and try some of these American classics featuring nuts:

Waldorf Salad – Created at New York’s iconic Waldorf Astoria in 1983 by the hotel Maître d’hôtel, Oscar Tschirky, this salad has evolved over the years, but the classic combination of apples, celery, walnuts and mayonnaise remains constant. Home and restaurant chefs alike in the US commonly grace salads with a dusting of nuts, whether candied, sliced or toasted. Here’s our recipe for Waldorf Salad with a twist.

Pecan Pie – No dessert is more American than the iconic Pecan Pie, with its luscious caramel filling bursting with America’s only native nut. Dating back to the early 1900s and credited as being the South’s most popular pie, pecan pie now appears all over the country with chefs creating their own twist. Other sweet nut treats made popular in the US include carrot or banana bread, oatmeal cookies and candied nuts.

Granola – The first granola (then called granula) dates back to the mid-1800s. Doctors at sanatoriums invented both granola, which is baked, and muesli, which is uncooked. The latter originated in Switzerland and granula (later copied and called granola) in upstate New York. Granula was the world’s first dry, manufactured breakfast cereal. It now takes on many shapes and sizes, nuts and seasonings and can be found in supermarkets around the globe.

Muffins – These small individual “cakes” date back to the late 1800s when baking powder was invented. Nuts were a common ingredient and now you’ll rarely see a café without their own designer muffin.

Nut Crusted Fish – Although it’s really a Mediterranean style of cooking fish, American chefs and home cooks have taken fish and nuts to a new level. Whether it’s a Hawaiian Style Macadamia Crusted Mahi Mahi, a Pacific Northwest Hazelnut crusted Alaskan Salmon, a Jewish Walnut crusted Halibut or Caribbean style mixed nut and cilantro crust, any nut can make a delicious crust for a wonderful flavor and texture boost.

Trail Mix – The first mention of trail mix was in 1910 in an American camping guide. Since then, trail mix has become the “go to” snack for hikers, school lunches, long drives and anyone wanting a healthy grab and go snack.

Bon Appétit and Happy 4th of July!

Beat the Heat with Cool Nutty Treats

Anyone who has ever stored their tree nuts in the refrigerator or freezer will appreciate how delicious they are cold! Not only does it preserve them longer, but frozen tree nuts also have a wonderful crispy, crunch and seem to cool you all over. Nuts are also intrinsic to so many summer foods and can add a wonderful dimension to your frozen or chilled drinks, desserts and cocktails. Here are a few ideas for serving tree nuts on warm summer days:

Gelato: The Italians often base their gelatos on nuts – think pistachio, hazelnut (nocciola), almond and walnut – the nuts add a creaminess and denser texture that adds to the cooling effects and delicious character of gelato! See below for a pistachio gelato recipe you can make in your own home.

Granita: Granita is another Italian frozen dessert that is basically a flavored ice with larger crystals than sorbet, and it’s very easy to make. Most often it starts with a simple syrup, then you can add fruit puree or juice, coffee, tea or other adult beverages before freezing in a shallow tray. After an hour, scrape mixture with a fork to break up into crystals and repeat every half hour until the desired consistency. On the final stir, fold through chopped nuts. You can go fancy and make one with Champagne and Flaked Almonds; Asian style with mango, lime, coconut and macadamias; or this classic Apple Walnut Granita.

Home Designer Ice Cream: Impress your family or guests by ‘upgrading’ a store-bought ice cream with nuts and other ingredients. That way you can buy any flavor, choose an alternative milk base if there are allergies, and get creative to make it your own. Simply soften the ice cream a little in a bowl (don’t soften to a liquid as it won’t refreeze as nicely). Stir through nuts, spices, dried or fresh fruit, or whatever your heart desires and refreeze back in the container or in ice cube trays for small bits. Get the new-wave spirit and experiment with combinations such as almonds, salt and dark chocolate; hazelnuts, chili flakes and honey swirled through; walnuts and pecans with cardamom and currants; pine nuts with fresh basil; macadamia nuts, pear puree and white pepper; Brazil nuts with rum-soaked raisins. Permission to go crazy!

Nutty Pops: You can put your ice cream creation in popsicle makers, but better still, freeze whole bananas with a popsicle stick (or chopstick for fun), dip in white, dark or milk chocolate and roll in your favorite chopped nuts. Here’s a recipe for Chocolate and Pecan Dipped Banana Pops to get you started.

Smoothies: Smoothies made just with fruit and yogurt are wonderful, but often leave you feeling hungry shortly thereafter. Adding some frozen tree nuts will thicken it up while adding valuable protein, nutrients and healthy oils. It will also keep you satiated longer. Here’s a recipe for a Raspberry Almond Smoothie

Pistachio Gelato

This is based on a traditional Italian gelato recipe, using a custard base. You could substitute any nut for the recipe.

  • 2 cups milk
  • 4 egg yolks
  • ½ cup superfine sugar
  • ½ cup pistachios, finely ground
  • Extra pistachios, roughly chopped, to taste

To make the base, heat milk over medium heat until small bubbles appear around outside – don’t allow to boil. Beat the egg yolks and sugar with a whisk in a separate bowl until thick and creamy. Gradually add some of the hot milk, a few spoons at a time, while whisking the mixture, then add the remainder of the milk in a thin stream, constantly whisking.

Transfer the mixture to a double boiler and cook, stirring until mixture thickens and coats the back of a spoon. Pour into a glass or ceramic container, cover closely with plastic wrap and refrigerate until cool.  You can do this the day or even two before.

Pour mixture into an ice cream maker and churn for 1-2 minutes before adding ground pistachios and finishing according to instructions for your ice cream maker. Fold through as many pistachio chunks as you like.

If you don’t have an ice cream maker, freeze custard and pistachios in ice cube trays. When frozen transfer to a blender, puree and refreeze – do this a few times to get the ice crystals very small, then freeze in a plastic tub with a lid.

Have fun experimenting with nutty treats this summer and Bon Appetit!